The Chakras, as Flower Essences

Wally Swist

1. Indian Paintbrush

This is where the siddha and initiate rest.
It may be represented as alimentation,
but it is also where we make use of
what we have at hand. Viewed through
the lens of aesthetics, this is the place
of creative expression, of how you
relate to me and how I respond to you.

2. Pomegranate

When this red fruit is broken open, we see
that its chambers resemble the heart with
its ventricles, holding clusters of seeds.
Here we can be in sensual touch with each
other, as well as intuitively. It is where we
turn up the sexual heat, nourish and thrive in
the arms of another; with urgency, procreate.

3. Sunflower

As much as we desire power over each other,
horizontally, inflected vertically, we mine
our depths, tapping the inner ore; power up
the glimmering psychic metals that enable
us to cogitate clearly; joyfully engender
reason, purposefully gather strength; allow
the child within us, Puer, to dance.

4. Wild Rose

Jung thought he had climbed the trellis this
far, which is another way of saying this is
where the emanation of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus pulses with compassion, of love.
So, if you are feeling listless, find heirloom
roses within your own garden; enliven
yourself; inhale their being to start living.

5. Desert Larkspur

If you want to touch this spot, put your fingers
upon your throat, speak a word; you will come
to know how important it is to enunciate well,
to speak mindfully. In transition, as we all are,
it is here we find how to live. Here we divine
spiritual direction; we recalibrate our compass;
the lodestone of guidance points a new way.

6. Flower Aster

The delightful surprise is that this center is
between your eyes. This is where we develop
vision of another kind: not just what we can
normally see, but where we hone the planes
of illumination, forge insight’s bright star.
Aligning our evolutionary paths, the lens of
wisdom, in its magnificence, is polished here.

7. Saguaro

Sarhasrara, purple crown, blossoms beyond
blossoms, where the myriad is One. Here we
see only footprints in the sand. We cleanse
in space that is galactic. The body’s tension
relaxes; Kundalini rises up the spine, continues,
expands as a tuning fork’s struck tone. We are
aware of the ringing of so many clear glass bells.

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